Alliances & Networks Building

Alliances & Network Building

The Institute for Research, Advocacy, and Development holds strong linkages and networking skills at regional, national, and local levels. We have, over the last few years, worked as founding members in the development of alliances and networks such as the Alliance for Diversity and Pluralism in Media in Pakistan (APDM), Pakistan Journalists Safety Coalition (PJSC), Coalition for Election and Democracy (CED), Coalition on Right to Information (CRTI), Digital Media Alliance of Pakistan (DigiMAP), and Coalition Against Disinformation (CAD). We also established active collaborations with legal associations like the Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) and Islamabad Bar Council (IBC), media associations like the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and Women Journalists Association of Pakistan (WJAP), and academic institutions like Centre for Excellence in Journalism (CEJ).